JUDICIARY Latest Features

Court of Appeal's Revamped Registry Commissioned
Hon. Justice Owiny-Dollo (DCJ) with an official from IJM during the handover

The Deputy Chief Justice on July 23, 2018 commissioned the newly revamped Court of Appeal Registry.

Formerly likened to "a grave yard" or "a village rubbish pit", the now reorganized Registry is open for public use.

Presiding over the event, Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo, assured Court Users that service delivery at the Court of Appeal is going to be a lot quicker and timely.

He hailed International Justice Mission (IJM) for the job well-executed.

IJM,working with a team of law student volunteers, has over the past six months been reorganizing the formerly shabby Court of Appeal Registry as part of the support initiatives under a Memorandum of Understanding it signed with the Justice, Law and Order Sector (JLOS).

The team worked closely with Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire(project coordinator)and the Court Registrar, HW Esta Nambayo.

The event was attended by several judges from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court, JLOS members, senior officials from the International Justice Mission. Others were registrars and magistrates from various courts, among other stakeholders.

IJM is also set to work on the registries of Family Division and Mbale High Court to make them more functional.

Posted 24th, July 2018
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